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joseph smith Quotes

Joseph Smith Quotes

Birth Date: 1805-12-23 (Monday, December 23rd, 1805)
Date of Death: 1844-06-27 (Thursday, June 27th, 1844)


joseph smith life timeline

Joseph Smith, Jr. stated that he was directed by God through the Angel Moroni to the place where the Golden plates were stored.Monday, September 22nd, 1823
According to Joseph Smith, Jr., the angel Moroni gave him a record of gold plates, one-third of which Joseph translated into The Book of Mormon.Friday, September 21st, 1827
Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commences translation of the Book of Mormon, with Oliver Cowdery as his scribe.Tuesday, April 7th, 1829
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organized by Joseph Smith, Jr. and others at Fayette, New York.Tuesday, April 6th, 1830
In Hiram, Ohio a group of men beat, tar and feather Mormon leader Joseph Smith, Jr..Saturday, March 24th, 1832
Kirtland Temple in Ohio is dedicated in an 8 hour long service led by Joseph Smith, Jr. and Sidney Rigdon.Sunday, March 27th, 1836
Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and his brother Hyrum Smith, are murdered by a mob at the Carthage, Illinois jail.Thursday, June 27th, 1844
Joseph Smith III, creates the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by reorganizing the previous church organized by his father, Joseph Smith, Jr.Friday, April 6th, 1860
American Civil War Peninsula Campaign: Battle of Seven Pines or (Battle of Fair Oaks)Confederate forces under Joseph E. Johnston & G. W. Smith engage Union forces under George B. McClellan outside Richmond, Virginia.Saturday, May 31st, 1862


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